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Mount Olive/Monte Olivar
419 W. Luray Street Philadelphia, Pa 19140

Since 1995
William & Jacqueline Collazo - Pastors
Ordained to pastor on October 26, 2014. Called and confirmed by God from the age of 12. Baptized in the waters by Pastor Carmelo Sánchez. Since 1995 he remained by the side of Pastor William Collazo-Vega, whom founded and pastored Iglesia Cristiana Monte Olivar Mount Olive Christian Church) for 20 years. William Collazo Jr, studied in the spanish christian seminary, "Seminario Teológico Mizpa", in Philadelphia, P.A. In the spring of 2000 he met Jacqueline Mendez who he married in May 2002. Jacqueline has been a devout christian from childhood. She is a worshiper, christian counselor, and a pastor. God has blessed them with two handsome boys and a beautiful congregation. Pastor Jackie serves as the pastors assistant, worshiper and secretary.

William Collazo Vega & Genoveva Ramos Negron - Founders
William Collazo-Vega born in Utuado, Puerto Rico in the summer of 1939. Born to Jorge Collazo and Monserrate Vega. At the age of 12 in 1951 he had his first encounter with God. Married at the age of 33 to Genoveva Ramos-Negron "Jovita". Jovite born January of 1950 to Jesus Ramos and Jacinta Negron in Utuado, Purto Rico. Passed to dwell with the lord on November 2020.
It wasn't until 1979 that they came to the Lord to serve. in the summer of 1995 they answered the calling to pastor in Philadelphia, PA. This is how Iglesia Cristiana Monte Olivar(Mount Olive Christian Church) was born. They labored tirelessly impacting thousands of lives and leading multitudes to the feet of Jesus. They retired in October of 2014 after 19 years of service. Even though Jovita is with our Lord and Savior William Collazo -Vega remains active in the role of senior advisor to the pastor and board member.

Pablo Santiago
Pablo Santiago has been with us since 2015. He has served in the role of evangelist, missions, teacher, translator and currently fills the role of deacon.

Cristina Sena
Cristina Sena has been with us since 2012. She has served in the role of, teacher, and deacon.

Mario Lopez
Mario Lopez has been with us since 2022. He has served in the role of, teacher, counselor, and is currently filling the role of minister.

Luisa Valdez
Superintendent of Sunday Bible School
William Collazo III
Youth Leaders since 2022, Lead drummer.
Isaac J. Collazo
Assistant Youth Leaders since 2022, Lead Pianist
Jose L. Maisonet
Evangelism lead.
Jose Guites y Bernice Rodriguez
Event coordinators since 2019. They have served as kitchen lead, maintenance and sanitation. They also lead the children's church.
Enrique Rivera
Usher leader since June 11th, 2023. He has served as usher for many years.
Rosalina Garcia
Children's secretary. Since 11/2023
Adarelys Pagan
Church phone secretary Since 6/2022
Our Board Members
William Collazo-Ramos
Jacqueline Collazo-Mendez
William Collazo-Vega
Elsie Laboy
Anthony Perez
Cristina Sena
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